Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Against the law...?

Yesterday I went to a beauty supply store and just as I was about to enter I looked to my right and saw a huge, window sized photo of myself from a hair magazine photo shoot I'd done a year ago. I gave the actual stylist permission to use the photo at her salon but not this store. Is it legal for this store to have my photo up without my permission? I decided not to enter the store after I saw my photo. Should they have to pay me?

Against the law...?

Usually, a model signs over the rights to the image to the photographer, or if the photographer is working for an agency or client, to that agency or client. Rarely do models have the copyright interest in the image.

You most likely signed a release at the time the photo was taken, and you now have no control over its re-use.

Against the law...?

The question here is one of who has the rights to the photograph.

Since you did the shoot for a magazine, I'm quite sure that they were savvy enough to have you sign a release that meant that you had no rights in the use of the photographs, now and forever.

It's possible they are using the photo without the permission of the owner of the photograph, but that probably isn't you anyway.

Against the law...?

I honestly believe that once you were displayed in the magazine your picture became public domain...that said, if they only posted your picture to promote your look and not indicate that you promote the store then it is fine..if they claim you were done there or you suggest others should, then it become illegal...hope I make sense?..But you should be proud, it is quite an ego builder that some think your picture is beautiful enough to post in their shop.

Against the law...?

Ask the manager of the store where they got the photo from. Tell her the situation and ask her if she would be willing to remove it if it is that big of a deal to you. Then go back person you gave permission to and ask her how this happened. If it was in a Magazine like you said it is possible that there is nothing you can do because the magaize company will probably have the rights on that pic.

Against the law...?


Against the law...?

Your picture becomes public once you agree to allow a [publicly available] magazine to take your pictures.

There's nothing you can do about it. Be happy you're face is well known.

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