Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

i have this problem with my daughter. shes 13 mo old and she eats everythign. LITERALLy. if she has a baby blanekt in her crib she chews peices of the fuzzy blanket off, if she sees paper on teh floor she tries to eat it. i put those metal clamps barattes(sp)? and she takes them off and puts them in her hair. if i put scrunchies she pulls them out and eats them. if she sees tags on pillows , blanktes, stuffed animals she starts to try and eat them. right now she foudn a halls wrapper and started to chew it. i dotn understand this. i know kids put stuff in thier mouth but i mean everything she does this with. she even pulls the baby wipes out the tub and starts chewing them or suckin on them. she even eats the bibs with teh plastic on the back. so we bought her the bibs without the vinyl and is only cloth and she bites peices of the cloth off. even bites pages from magazines. im afriad of how much stuff she swallowed when we arent around. is something wrong with her


Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

lol, because she's growing and exploring.

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

Is she teething?

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

Well she is a growing girl, and bays can do that, it also might be a sign that she wants your attention! She also might start to be teething!

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

keep things away from her and keep a closer eye on her.

say "no, we don't eat that, we eat food"

maybe she is hungry?

ask your doctor for advice, I haven't heard of children eating those sorts of things, I have herd of them chewing on them but not actually eating them.

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

It is her age. Just keep a close eye on her and take away anything that she could choke on. Give her a teething ring. She may be teething.

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

because according to your last question she doesn't want baby food anymore--give her table food

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

yelp, sounds like she's teething

give her the toys with the liquids inside that you can chill

this will relieve gum stress. Teething will effect her appetite.

some of those toys have nubs on them try those too.

listen to your friends all good advice


Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

Take her to the doctor and make sure it isn't pica. It may just be normal teething, but you should make sure

Why does my daughter eat EVERYTHING?

No, I don't think there's anything wrong with her. My daughter is 2 1/2 now, but she used to do the exact same thing when she was that age. Even now, she still likes to put things in her mouth, but she's not nearly as bad as she used to be. Keep a close eye on her so she doesn't get something dangerous. But again, no, I don't think there's anything wrong with her.

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