Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fed up with magazines/media obsession with WEIGHT?

Seriously though, I think one needs to ask ones self, why are we all sooo CONSUMED day in, day out with whether we're too fat or not, whether we have too much cellulite or whether our skin, nails, hair, makeup, style, colour, smell, walk is just not PERFECT enough! There was a time, the last year or so where I was totally depressed constantly about the fact I wasn't perfection, but I asked myself, "Hey Vicky, before you started buying into those magazines and the media turned papperatzi you were enjoying life, you were happy with you and so were others, but since then you've been self-obsessed, with a tint of self-loathness...Why are you doing this to yourself?" Why was I? Why are YOU? Infact why is every woman in the ******* country letting celebrities and stupid hypocritical journalists (who are probably overweight %26amp; have many flaws) letting people become so full of hate towards themselves. It's a real shame %26amp; I'm constantly seeing it. Why can't we just be healthy?*sighs*...Opinions?

Fed up with magazines/media obsession with WEIGHT?

How I agree with you, and would'nt it be wonderful if all the brainwashed teenagers could wake up and smell the coffee, just be themselves and enjoy this great life and grab it by the short and curlies.

Fed up with magazines/media obsession with WEIGHT?

I completely agree with you.

It's complete codswallop, what kind of example are we setting to the next generation? pathetic.........

Fed up with magazines/media obsession with WEIGHT?

I don't believe magazines are solely to blame for the pressure women put on themselves. They play a part yes but so does your environment and the way your brought up. I have suffered from an eating disorder half my life and would not say magazines or celebrities influenced this, but it doesn't help seeing all these severely underweight celebrities being praised for their style and for having the so called perfect figure. Us women are the ones who beat ourselves up over it we need to learn to accept what we're given and to be happy in our own skin. I've done the whole size 0 thing it did not make me happy, I'm now a size 8/10 with cellulite may I add and can honestly say I have never been happier or received more male attention in my whole life.

Fed up with magazines/media obsession with WEIGHT?

Please don't feel qualified to speak for all women. I do not identify with how you feel. Images in magazines are air brushed and I am not impressed with celebrities. I think it is mainly a question of growing up.

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