Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a c

for her when she was 18 ( she is now 19 just turned last month but the first month of the contract she was 18 )

Now my sister is getting huge bills and didnt agree to pay for my moms ( my sisters poor shes just a kid and pays 600 bucks for rent and makes 9 bucks an hour plus her food and all that )

well the bill is 200 dollars and my moms saying she cant afford it can my sister pay it. Well my moms been doing things like this since forever ( when i was a baby she signed up for magazines and columbia house in my hair and not pay etc ) So since my sister was 18 and not 19 is it possible she can cancel the contract even though she is 19 now? I'm trying to hjelp her without getting my mom in trouble and I think my sisters gonna take her to court...

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

To answer your question, no. 18 years old is not considered minor, 17 is. Say if all that happened when she was 17 and she is now 18, she still need to void the contract within a reasonable amount of time once she has gained majority of age, or else the contract is deemed ratified.

In any regard, she is 18 when all these happened, there isn't a lot she could do as far as nullification goes. She can claim fraud and see if the phone company will go after her mom, but most likely, she is stuck with the bill and has to sue her mom on her own.

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

Well, this is a different kind of story - I can't get a cell phone in my own name because my daughter got one in it and never paid the bill. It's an outrageous bill that I don't think I should have to pay. I'm lucky that I got one under another family member's plan.

I guess your sister could take your mom to small claims court, but if mom doesn't have the money, it's not going to do a whole lot of good. It's always better not to sue your family anyway. It's a shame so many people do this to the people who love them.

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

cancel the contract pay the fee and get her own phone

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

A person of 18 can legally sign a contract. It sounds from your question that your Mother is the one that used her name (and social security #) to get her own cell phone. Since Mother has had the phone for a year and the monthly bill has been paid for all that time, all your sister can do is have the phone turned off and make monthly payments on the cancellation charge. Your sister needs to put an alert on her credit report so that positive ID will be required in the future if your Mother tries to get a credit card or anything like that. What a horrible Mother.

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

Wow this is a bad situation and I think there is nothing she can do. You are considered and adult at 18 so how is her being 19 make any difference? Does the state you live it say 19 is of age, or what? never heard of that. Anyways , well if your sister doesn't pay, her credit will go bad. And it is very important to keep your credit in good standing or in the future it will really affect her when she wants to get a car or anything like that. It is a very sad situation but, there are a lot of parents out there who do take advantage of their kids,because they can, and vice versa. However, anyone could do you wrong if you let them.

Ok what can my sister do? My mom wrongfully signed up for a cell phone under her name as well as a cell phone?

She seriously needs to turn in her Mom for identity theft. Dr. Phil just had this issue on yesterday. Pretty soon your sister (Mom) will be charged for a house she didn't buy!!

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